Local Services




Cruse Scotland Bereavement Support

Provides bereavement care to men, women and children of all ages throughout their period of grieving.

Works on an Area basis with local community based teams, to provide one-to-one support.

Phone: 0808 802 6161 (freephone)

Email: support@crusescotland.org.uk

Website: www.crusescotland.org.uk


Scottish Families Bereavement Service

Supporting family members affected by drug related deaths.  Services include guidance and information, counselling sessions, telephone support and peer support.

Telephone: 08080 101 01

Website: www.sfad.org.uk


Grampian Child Bereavement Network

Provides direct support to children and families who have been bereaved; training and consultancy to professionals and others who are supporting a child or a young person.

Telephone: 01224 554152

Email: gcbn@mhaberdeen.org.uk or coordinator@gcbn.org.uk

Website: www.gcbn.org.uk


Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SoBS)

Local peer support group to overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide. Aberdeen:

Phone: 07538 720053

Email: aberdeen@uksobs.org


Phone: 07754 068529

Email: elgin@uksobs.org

Website: uksobs.org



Petal do some fantastic work across the country supporting those who have been bereaved by suicide. Support for those bereaved by suicide or ‘postvention’ is a vitally important part of suicide prevention.

If you or someone you know has been bereaved by suicide then reaching out for help can be hugely helpful.

Phone: 01698 324502

Email: Info@petalsupport.com

Website: http://www.petalsupport.com


Pet Bereavement and Pet Loss

Provides free and confidential support for those affected by pet loss by phone, email or webchat, 8.30am-8.30pm

Phone: 0800 096 6606

Email: plsmail@bluecross.org.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bluecrosspetloss

Website: https://www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-bereavement-and-pet-loss


Support After Suicide Partnership

Practical information for anyone who has experienced a bereavement by suicide.

Website: www.supportaftersuicide.org.uk



Support and information for people who have experienced a sudden bereavement.

Phone: 0800 2600 400

Website: www.sudden.org


Child Bereavement UK

Help for bereaved children, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.

Phone: 0800 02 888 40

Website: www.childbereavementuk.org


The Compassionate Friends

Provides support for bereaved parents and their families.

Phone: 0345 123 2304

Website: www.tcf.org.uk


At A Loss

Searchable website of national and local bereavement support services.

Website: www.ataloss.org


Procurator Fiscal

Please contact the procurator fiscal to discuss your legal considerations following a suicide.

Phone: 0300 020 3000

Website: www.copfs.gov.uk


Funeral Arrangements

The following contacts can help you if you need to arrange a funeral for you loved one.

National Association of Funeral Directors  nafd.org.uk

Society of Allied & Independent Funeral Directors saif.org.uk

Funeral Support Payment www.mygov.scot/funeral-support-payment

Money Advice www.gain4u.org.uk


First Hand

For anyone affected by witnessing a suicide when they did not know the person who died. You may have seen it happen or been first on the scene.

Guide: SASP_BookletToSupportWitnesses_A5_2021_WEB.pdf

Website: first-hand.org.uk


If you have been affected by a suicide please visit our After a Suicide page.