Local Services




Four Pillars

Supporting Grampian's LGBT+ community with Mental, Emotional, Physical & Sexual Health

Phone: 01224 211963

Website: click here


LGBT Youth Scotland

Our mission is to play a leading role in the provision of quality youth work to LGBTI young people that promotes their health and wellbeing, and to be a valued and influential partner in LGBTI equality and human rights. For 13-25 year olds

Text: 0131 555 3940

Email: info@lgbtyouth.org.uk

Website: click here Live Chat sessions Mon-Thurs

Facebook: click here


LGBT Helpline Scotland

Call us, email us or chat with us online via our new messenger service.

Phone: 0800 464 7000 Tues-Thurs (12-9pm) Sundays (1-6pm)

Email: helpline@lgbthealth.org.uk

Online messaging: click here


MindLine Trans+

Confidential  emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Trans, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary, etc. UK-wide service.

Phone: 0300 330 5468 Mon + Fri 8pm – Midnight

Website: click here



UK wide LGBTQ support.

Phone: 0800 0119 100 10am-10pm

Email: hello@switchboard.lgbt

Online messaging: click here



LGBTQ mental health support & information. Based in Brighton but available nationwide.

Phone: 01273 234 839

Email: info@mindout.org.uk

Website: click here Online support Mon-Wed 3pm-5pm