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In this section we will provide info on:



Also since the last update we have reached 96908 total users with the Prevent Suicide app and website. Remember you are not alone and all these people have been affected too. For more stats click here


If you need help now head to our Urgent Help page or you can find local services in your area here.


Neoblether Podcast



We have a podcast star in our midst.

Our wonderful community engagement officer, Justine Dunbar, appeared on the Neoblether podcast via Studio 10.

She spoke very eloquently and with so much passion, on all things suicide prevention. We're very proud, because not only is her guest appearance a brilliant way to spread awareness and challenge stigma,  it could also also save a life for those listening


Listen to the podcast here






We'd like to share an incredibly powerful video which was filmed on a farm in Aberdeenshire.

We feel incredibly lucky to work with both Louise and Jonathan who speak so candidly about myth busting and ultimately finding hope.

We will never stop talking about suicide prevention, or going out into communities in a bid to save lives. In this instance, working in rural communities is incredibly important to us.


Watch the video here



International Women’s Day



A huge thank you to everyone who attended our International Women's Day event in March

The feedback has been so lovely to hear, and it was brilliant to see so many people coming together to discuss women's mental health and suicide prevention.

Cllr Judy Whyte - Inverurie and District , who is of course Provost of Aberdeenshire, came along and met some members of the north-east suicide prevention team, alongside our fantastic speakers.

Our topics on the day included

  • Mental health & motherhood
  • Trauma informed approach to wellbeing
  • Perimenopause & menopause
  • Lived experience and recovery from depression
  • Support available for women's mental health

Thank you to Latnem , Home-Start Aberdeen , Mikeysline , Penumbra Aberdeenshire , WhitesideWellbeing , Helen the Menopause Pharmacist , and Grow Free with Emma B , alongside RapeCrisis Grampian and Samaritans who helped to make the day such a success.

The conversation doesn't stop here, as our community engagement officers continue to raise awareness, provide training and break down stigma one day at a time.


Read more about Keeping women and girls safe this International Women’s Day



Help is at hand



The press and journal recently featured the app, and its Highland version, over the festive period.


Read the full story here



There is Always Hope



Community mental health nurse Carrie Paterson, has appeared on the front page of The Press and Journal today, alongside the front cover of Your Life magazine within where she has spoken about her role.


Read the full story here



Destigmatising the Conversation Around Suicide



The Press and Journal recently spotlighted the important work being done in Scotland to address suicide prevention. The focus has shifted towards destigmatising the conversation around suicide, promoting understanding, and offering support to those impacted.


World Suicide Prevention Day and recent statistics have brought this issue to the forefront in Scotland. Events like Walk of Hope are raising awareness, and the Scottish Government’s "Creating Hope Together" strategy over the next decade aims to address factors leading to suicide and support affected individuals.


Vicky Henderson leads a team in Aberdeenshire, delivering local suicide prevention programs and advocating for community engagement to create a supportive network.


The Prevent Suicide app, part of these efforts, provides resources and has seen thousands of downloads, reflecting the community's commitment to this cause.


Read the full story here



Conversation Starters


Asking about suicide is hard. It can feel daunting and often confusing as when to ask. It is okay to build to this question and our friends at SAMH & United to Prevent Suicide have put together some useful conversations starters that could help in leading us to ask about suicide



“Why don’t we have a coffee and talk about it?”



“I’ve been a bit worried about you"



“You haven’t been yourself lately, is everything alright?




Walking and Talking - The Canmore Trust



Liam from SAMH and one of our team in the North East spent the day ‘walking and talking’ with John Gibson from the Canmore Trust.


John tragically lost his son Cameron to suicide in 2019 and alongside his family has put incredible effort and passion into helping others and trying to break down the stigma and barriers that exist.


It was moving to hear John tell his story and inspiring to hear how he walked from Lands End to John o’ Groats with the aim of starting a national conversation around suicide.


It is vital that we all work and learn together across Scotland to help those in need and try to support those with thoughts of suicide and those bereaved by suicide and it is always useful to understand what is happening in other areas of Scotland.


Read more about the Canmore Trust here -



Fit for Farming



Farming can be isolating, but if you are a farmer or work in agriculture and have been having a tough time, you are most definitely not alone and support is available. The NHS Grampian & Men's Health Forum ‘Fit for Farming’ offers some excellent advice and support:


Please speak up, it is one of the toughest but bravest things you can do.



Supporting Your Child - A Guide for Parents



Talking to children and young people about suicide can be scary and sometimes separating fact from myth can be difficult but the link below from Papyrus offers a fantastic guide on why it is important to have these conversations and how we can go about starting them - Supporting Your Child - A Guide for Parents






Depression is a low mood that lasts for a long time, and affects your everyday life. Our resource includes:

  • What are the symptoms of depression?
  • What causes depression?
  • How can I look after myself?
  • How can loved ones help?
  • Useful contacts


For more info click here



Suicide - Living with your Thoughts



We live in fantastically vibrant multi cultural and multi lingual societies and it’s great to see SAMH investing in ensuring that many of the useful resources, including the ‘Suicide, Living with your thoughts’ are now available in other languages.


For more info click here